On Being Arrested

Discovering the Extraordinary in the Ordinary  

No, it’s not in the big picture. It’s in that detail over there. That’s the one that takes you aback. You never saw it coming. It was never anticipated. It can’t be planned. Sure, it’s your discovery – yet you’re not the author. You’re just an observer of an opportunity open to all.

 We all love the perfect garden. Beauty abounds. But, the real stirring moment is discovering the single flower. The one among the weeds. That’s when you’re pulled from your familiar reality and taken somewhere else. You could be having the worst day ever – truly sad and suffering – but then the little glimpse of beauty gets you. It completely arrests you for a very real moment. The beauty at these times is bigger than the pain.

Were it not for beauty how possibly are we to deal with difficulty?

These are moments that science cannot touch. They’re something much richer. The world doesn’t require these moments of beauty – it just benefits so greatly from them.

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